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Sisterhood is of great importance in Tri Sigma. We strive to make our strong bonds last not for four years-but for life. Sisters are invited to participate in events to help strengthen our bonds of friendship. We do sisterhood events often, including Sister Nights every Wednesday, Sigma Sushi, and various socials and hangouts.


Here is what some of sisters have to say about our sisterhood in Eta Tau!


To me, Sisterhood means many things. It's always knowing someone is there for you. I know I can turn to my sisters in good times and in bad times, and they will be there for me. I have 42 other sisters who I can go to for help with whatever is going on in my life, and they will drop what they're doing to help me. Sisterhood means having lifelong bonds and friendships. I will always have a connection with these women, no matter where we end up. Lastly, it means having women all around the world whom I can relate to. No matter where I am, I know I can connect with a sister of Sigma Sigma Sigma. I love that I have sisters all around the globe!

My favorite sisterhood moment was when the whole chapter watched slideshows of pictures of our graduating seniors. It was amazing to see their journey's throughout the sisterhood.



Sisterhood is always having someone there when you need it. It is learning about myself through relationships with my sisters. I have learned to be a friend and a leader to these girls at the same time. Most importantly, I have learned to find something to love in everyone, which is something I never imagined I could do. Sisterhood goes beyond the planned activities and weekly meetings, it's a lifestyle that we each share with each other. My favorite sisterhood moment wasn't even at a sisterhood event, but at something similar. It was during my new member process, freshman year. We were learning a dance routine for Sigma Chi's Derby Day's and I will never forget how much of a part of the sisterhood I felt. I spent at least three nights a week with almost 15 of my sisters helping each other learn the routine. Moments like that remind me how much more sisterhood is than the organization itself.



I never knew what it was like to have or be a sister until I joined Tri Sigma. Growing up with just one older brother had it's perks but I always wondered what it would be like to have a sister. In Fall of 2012 I started my freshmen year at Embry-Riddle 500 miles away from home. I quickly realized that I was lonely and needed a group of friends. I decided to join a sorority and knew Tri Sigma was the chapter for me. Now, almost 3 years later and I am so glad I decided to become a sister of Sigma Sigma Sigma. These girls are my family! They calm me down when I am stressed, cheer me up when I am sad, and always come to the rescue during a crisis. 

Each semester we have a sisterhood event for the day or the weekend. This is a time we can all put aside our daily lives and come together as a family. Although, I love when we have these events what I really love is the time when we all get together unplanned. We go to the movies together, eat dinner, or even workout together. Being a sister of Tri Sigma means you never have to be lonely. I often find myself thinking "What would I do without my sisters? These women encourage me to be the best version of myself and for that I am thankful for my sisters and the Eta Tau chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma!